Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies!

I haven't made cookies from scratch in at least twenty years. The last time I made them was with mom when I lived at home. I rarely eat cookies so it went well with my aversion to baking and ongoing attempt at healthy eating habits. This weekend, with the help of The Best Recipe (see my description below), I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Success! I split the batch with half large, half smaller-sized to experiment with texture and cooking times and both are quite tasty (the larger ones are crunchier and therefore slightly favored), eliciting a trip to the grocery store from Jeff for the milk accompaniment.

The Best Recipe: A gift from my sister and a truly fascinating book to learn more about the ways a variety of ingredients and cooking techniques make foods better or worse. It is written from those in the test kitchens of Cooks Illustrated. The cookie section reviews the effects of changing up the amounts of granulated vs. brown sugar, butter and more. Apparently there is an updated book: http://www.cooksillustrated.com/bookstore/detail.asp?PID=265